Equity Demands That NBA Ikeja Should Produce The NBA President

Equity Demands That NBA Ikeja Should Produce The NBA President

It is indeed very sad that despite the support Ikeja Branch of the NBA has given to its Lagos Counterpart for several years, the Lagos Bar has refused to reciprocate this gesture at a time a member of the Ikeja Bar is aspiring for the office of the President of the NBA. It is clear that one objective of the NBA Constitution is to promote equality, equity and fairness among the various zones in the election of National officers. That spirit and objective of equality, equity and fairness I believe should also be extended to the branch level to prevent a situation where certain branches will feel marginalized.

Without a doubt, the Lagos Branch of the NBA since the inception of the NBA has produced not less than six (6) Presidents of the Bar, the most recent of which is the out-going President in the person of Paul Usoro, SAN. If the outgoing President was produced by the Lagos Bar, will it be fair for the Lagos Bar to produce another President? I do not think so, and I believe the entire objective of zoning principle will be defeated if only one Branch is to constantly produce the President of the NBA. I concede that the second schedule to the NBA Constitution divided the country into geographical zones, with rotation between the three (3) zones i.e. Northern zone, Eastern zone and Western zone, and does not extend such divide or dichotomy to branches. However, it will be inequitable and unjust for one branch to always produce the NBA President? This will not augur well and in no distant time some branches will become indifferent to NBA activities. The presidency of the NBA should not be the birthright of just one branch.

It is on this note that I lend my voice to the appeal to our brothers from the Lagos Bar to have a rethink and support the candidate of the Ikeja Bar in the person of Deacon Dele Adesina, SAN because if care is not taken there is a likelihood that this election will sever the mutual relationship that has existed between the Ikeja Bar and Lagos Bar of the NBA. I also call on all well-meaning members of the NBA Ikeja Branch to rise up at this time and say NO to the marginalization of the Ikeja branch by voting en masse for Deacon Dele Adesina, SAN, in the election at the end of this month (July). We also seek the support of members of the Ikorodu and Badagry Branches of the NBA at this time because a time will come when they will also seek the support of the Ikeja Branch in the NBA National election.

May I also thank the Care-taker Committee of the NBA, Ikeja Branch for re-affirming the earlier motion of the immediate past Executives adopting Deacon Dele Adesina, SAN as the sole candidate of the Ikeja Branch of the NBA.

Thank You.

(Partner Pinheiro LP)

Securing The Future Of The Bar Is More Honourable Than Stomach Infrastructure

Securing The Future Of The Bar Is More Honourable Than Stomach Infrastructure

The politics of NBA has recently taken a new dimension and this made me share my opinion on why we need no other person than Dele Adesina SAN

As a young lawyer, I have always agitated for a vibrant leader for the Bar and that made me join in canvasing for a particular candidate from the onset for a brighter bar, little did I know that I am about selling my conscience for *Semo*.

At first, I thought it was a Palliative, but on a deeper thought, I wondered what Palliative to lawyers will come in form of Semo and Rice few weeks to the election. I have to sit down and think deeply and I begin to re-examine all the presidential candidates in this election.

I am a member of different presidential candidates platforms, I observed that while some are ready to offer nothing but Semo and Rice, another candidate is not sharing anything but enjoys large followership.

I took interest in one candidate who didn’t share anything and still pulling crowd. Therefore, I thought and asked myself who is DASAN and why is he gaining this unprecedented followership?

I came to find out that DASAN is not interested in money/Amala Politics but for a secured bar with brighter future for the young lawyers. If the Bar has not been restructured by Chief Wole Olanipekun SAN led Executive having Dele Adesina SAN as the Chief Scribe then, the Bar would probably have been reduced to nothing today, but thank God for using the administration to institute several good policies that have become permanent structures in NBA till today.

I look at his experience, profile and protests he has led in the past to agitate for the promotion of Rule of Law and against inhuman treatment of lawyers and other citizens, I therefore had no choice than to run away from where they offer nothing other than sharing of Semo and Rice.

The question that readily comes to mind is what are we turning ourselves to? Should Pandemic turn some of us (lawyers) to beggars? My answer is No, but we should stand firmly with a candidate who with or without pandemic we can assess him and come to a honourable decision without being cajoled with Rice and Semo. We are not secular politicians.

I didn’t regret joining any group before. I am only convinced about candidacy of DASAN having reviewed the developments around me, more importantly, the fact that all our leading lights in the profession in Ilorin are with DASAN. This helped me a long way in realising that DASAN truly is a candidate that is good for the Bar.

I am now an official supporter of Dele Adesina SAN and I am officially saying bye to a candidate who does not meant good for the betterment of the bar

I must state emphatically that I don’t have control over anyone’s conscience, but I think giving Dele Adesina SAN the support he needs will make the future of the Bar secured and greater.

Mujaid Oloyede BALOGUN Esq.
Ilorin Bar.

Legal Issues In Remote Work | GRF Dalley & Partner

Legal Issues In Remote Work | GRF Dalley & Partner

remote working was practiced before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, in
recent times it has become increasingly popular in various industries as a
means of ensuring that business stays open in spite of movement restrictions
that were introduced to curtail the spread of the virus.

working has thus far received a favourable response from both employers and
employees and as such some companies are considering making it a permanent
arrangement by looking into having remote working policies. Remote working
gives employers the opportunity to access a larger talent pool and can help
them in saving cost.

are certain legal considerations that employers of labour need to take note of
when employing remote labour.



working relies heavily on the use of technology to facilitate communication
between employers, employees and clients. Employers need to ensure that
necessary steps are taken to address the issue of cybersecurity risks and data
breaches especially when sensitive documents have to be accessed from home or
remote locations. Access to such documents must be restricted only to
authorized staff.

Nigeria Data Protection Regulation 2019 requires that those involved in data
processing or the control of data develop security measures to protect data.
This would involve protecting systems from hackers, setting up firewalls,
storing data securely with access to specific authorized individuals, employing
data encryption technologies, developing organizational policy for handling
personal data (and other sensitive or confidential data), protection of
emailing systems and continuous capacity building for staff.

must realize that by virtue of the provisions of the NDPR 2019, there is a duty
of care owed to a data subject in respect of their personal data. By extension,
employees who are authorized to have access to such information in the course
of their work would also be expected to handle such personal data with care.


It must
be noted that not all jobs can be done remotely. Thus, employers would need to
clearly state whether or not a particular role can be carried out remotely in
their remote working policies in order to avoid confusion.


done in the office premises often takes place during defined hours. Time spent
working in addition to these defined working hours would be considered overtime
and, depending on the agreement of parties, employees may be compensated for
such additional work.

Due to
the flexibility introduced by remote working, it is generally misconstrued that
remote workers do less work than those working within office premises. However,
studies have shown that employees working remotely do more work, attend more
meetings and oftentimes attend to work demands at odd hours. Therefore,
employers may need to factor guidelines for the measurement of productivity and
compensation for overtime in their remote working policies.


are expected to continue paying wages as agreed on. However, in recognition of
the hardships that the pandemic may have caused the business, parties may be
required to modify the employment contract through renegotiation of terms.


more information, contact:

Dalley & Partners

Lagos Office:
Gabsdall House (2nd – 4th Floor)
26, Igbosere Road

Port Harcourt Office:
13, Finima Street,
Old G.R.A.

Tel: +23414549824
Email: inq@grfdalleyandpartners.com

Establishment Of The Sections On Business Law (SBL) And Legal Practice (SLP): Putting The Record Straight | Dele Adesina SAN

Establishment Of The Sections On Business Law (SBL) And Legal Practice (SLP): Putting The Record Straight | Dele Adesina SAN

I have read on various platforms and different Lawyer groups particularly on Facebook and Twitter about stories ascribing the establishment of the formation of the Section on Business Law of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) to the administrations of Mr. O.C.J. Okocha SAN and Chief Bayo Ojo SAN. A particular write-up even stated mischievously that Chief Wole Olanipekun SAN’s Executive almost frustrated the creation of the Section on Business Law. Let me state without any equivocation whatsoever that Mr. O.C.J. Okocha SAN, past President of the NBA, past Chairman of the Council of Legal Education and presently the Chairman of the Distinguished Body of Benchers is a highly respected leader of the Bar and an accomplished Legal Practitioner. He was President of the NBA between 2000 and 2002.
Chief Bayo Ojo SAN, also past President of the NBA and former Attorney-General of the Federation was President between 2004 and 2005. These two gentlemen are not only accomplished Legal Practitioners but are some of the outstanding leaders the NBA has produced. Collectively and individually, they have given their best to the Association and our beloved Profession. I was an active player in their administrations. This is why I decided to ignore the misinformation going on about the establishment of the Section on Business Law; because of the necessity to avoid any claim of intension to undermine the contribution of these leaders of the Bar.
On the 3rd of July, 2020, at a virtual Zoom debate among the three Presidential Candidates vying for the Office of the President of the Nigerian Bar Association organised by the Employment and Labour Lawyers Association of Nigeria (ELLAN) and moderated by the seasoned Presenter, Shola Soyele, my brother, Olumide Akpata Esq. misinformed the audience once again by ascribing the formation of the Section on Business Law (SBL) to Mr. O.C.J. Okocha SAN’s administration and Chief Bayo Ojo SAN’s administration and stated in passing that Chief Wole Olanipekun SAN’s administration though *“played a role.”* As a participant at the debate, I tried to correct this misinformation; unfortunately, time did not permit a full chronological narration of how the SBL was founded in NBA.
Just today, 21st of July 2020, a senior Lawyer in one of the commercial Law Firms in a discussion asked the question on the correct position regarding the creation of the SBL. In the interest of our members and in defence of the institutional history of our beloved Association, I am compelled to put the record straight whether the misinformation is a product of ignorance or a deliberate mischief to lower my esteem.
First, in the course of my campaign for Election into the Office of the General Secretary of the NBA in 2002, I made the creation of SBL and SLP as a campaign issue. While I do not lay claim to being the originator of these two Sections, I want to affirmatively claim that I got the idea from the structure of the International Bar Association (IBA) which I have been attending before 2002. In the course of the campaign, there was a chance meeting between my dear brother, George Etomi Esq., and I in front of the NBA Ikeja Bar Centre where we further espoused the idea. To the glory of God, I won the election. The Executive under the leadership of Chief Wole Olanipekun SAN as President and my humble self as General Secretary swung into action. The Executive was purposeful and creative. The idea to establish SBL was deliberated upon and approved of by the National Officers and taken to the National Executive Committee (NEC) by the President.
At the NBA NEC Meeting of January 30 and 31, 2003 held at the Cultural Centre, Abeokuta, *the Committee on Sections within the NBA was set-up*. Mrs. Modupe Akintola, who at that time was the Vice Chairman of IBA Section on Legal Practice, was made the Chairman of the Committee while Obi Okusogwu, past General Secretary, was nominated as Secretary to the Committee. *Other Committees set-up at that NEC meeting includes Continuing Legal Education Committee, Human Rights Committee and Law Reform and Judiciary Committee.*
At the NBA NEC Meeting of the 24th and 25th of July 2003 which held at the Leadership Institute Hall, Jos, Mrs. Modupe Akintola presented her Committee’s Report which was adopted accordingly. The motion was moved by *Mallam Yusuf Ali SAN* and seconded by *Chief Bayo Ojo SAN*. At the pre-conference NEC Meeting held on the 24th of August 2003 at Banquet Hall, Enugu, the President further reported the outcome of Mrs. Modupe Akintola’s Committee on Sections within the NBA to NEC further to which the Report and the Bye-laws presented by the President was approved. The journey moved to the Annual General Meeting of the NBA for final approval.
At the Annual General Meeting of the Association on the 29th of August, 2003, in Enugu, the President while presenting the creation of the Sections for approval stated inter alia: *“This Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Mrs Modupe Akintola went about their historic assignments with maximum zeal and commitment. It has not only recommended to the National Executive the establishment of two Sections that is to say Section on Business Law and Section on Legal Practice modelled as near as possible after the Sections within the International Bar Association, but it has most importantly gone ahead to submit a draft bye-law for each of these Sections…”*
Further to the above approval, the pioneer Council of the two Sections were constituted at the Ilorin NEC of 8th and 9th of July 2004 with Mallam Yusuf Ali SAN as Chairman and Richard Ahonaruogho Esq. as Secretary of Council, Section on Legal Practice and George Etomi Esq. as Chairman and Adeniyi Adegbola Esq. (now Judge of the F.C.T., Abuja) as Secretary, Section on Business Law. The same giant steps attended the introduction of the Stamp and Seal programme which was launched by the Chief Justice of Nigeria, *Mohammed Lawal Uwais*, during the NBA NEC Meeting in Ilorin, Kwara State in July 2004 under the same administration.
I have gone this far to put the records straight. It is important for people to know that putting off another man’s candle will not necessarily make your own candle to shine brighter. Besides, this is an election to elect officers of a Professional Association to serve the Association and the Profession and not partisan politics.  The unassailable and undeniable truth is that I was part of the virile, dynamic, creative and purposeful Executive imbued with the Grace and foresight to create the SBL opportunity and we are happy to have done so for our Association. The purpose of leadership is to create opportunities for the followership. The SBL has produced many giants in commercial law practice specialising in one aspect of commercial law or the other. The same goes for the Section on Law Practice.
By Dele Adesina SAN, FCI Arb
Presidential Candidate
NBA 2020 Election
See the NBA Conference Report Below 

NBAELECTION2020: The Crown Looks Good On Dele Adesina’s Head | Mr. Olumide Omololu Okunmakinde

NBAELECTION2020: The Crown Looks Good On Dele Adesina’s Head | Mr. Olumide Omololu Okunmakinde

Depth, vision, capacity, indispensable experience, resilient consistency, positive frequency, tenacity of  goodwill, consistency of drive for the well being and progress of the Bar and a whole lot more of good forms, define the quality endowment of the formidable Mr. Dele Adesina, SAN, who is contesting for the position of President, Nigerian Bar Association.

On the scales of experience and exposure to the dynamics of the highly esteemed Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Mr. Adesina (SAN) is a perfectly round peg in a round hole who is embellished with incontestable and crystal clear distinction in height, like mount Everest among other mountains of the earth. Matchlessly colossal and towering in glistering gloss of pure gold of experience, Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) obviously and deeply sight-grasps the past (in indispensable knowledge of ‘the way and how’ of the NBA), understands the present (in indispensable knowledge of challenges and the path to overcoming them), and sees further far into the future for the good of all (hence, his overture towards securing the good future of the Bar). Mr. Adesina (SAN) understands the journey. He knows the flanks and terrain. Reiteratively speaking, indispensible is his experience at this time in the life of the Nigerian Bar.

Taking off from the humble grounds of civil service as a state counsel prior to his overtures towards private practice, and making splendid contributions to intellectual discourse in law through his lectures and write-ups, Mr. Adesina (SAN) has navigated through all flanks of the esteemed Nigerian Bar Association with records of phenomenal success. Now, in 2020, Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) aspires to lead the Nigerian Bar Association in the capacity as President. Surely, the crown does not just only look good, but looks sparklingly best on Mr. Dele Adesina’s head. 

Mr. Adesina’s loyalty to the profession is amazing—with a spice and taste of folk like heroics in his salvaging of the wig and gown in the heat of arson driven mob rage during a political crisis in the 80’s. What manner of passion or goodwill this is(?) may be a question arising within those who come across this phenomenal deed in his well packaged profile. An answer to the question is definitely bound to be found in ‘the will to rescue’ what he deemed to hold in principal value amongst his material fabrics. Yes! ‘Let every other garment burn, but not my wig and gown” is, perhaps, the resolution within Mr. Adesina’s mind under a state of tension as he helplessly watched his properties face destruction by fire at that challenging time of his history. Let Mr. Adesina (SAN) be reminded of this heroic in his noble quest to lead the highly esteemed Nigerian Bar Association—and have his spirit awakened to maintain this outstanding consistency of ‘will to rescue’ for transposition into his anticipated era as President. It comes as no surprise, however, that his motto, which mirror’s his ‘will to power’, is “securing the future of the Bar”. In this stance, he is trust worthy.

Another shining exemplary instance where he demonstrated goodwill, passion, and drive towards the Bar was while he served as the General Secretary of the NBA. At that time in issue—which was dark in the annals of the NBA—the Chairman of Onitsha Branch of the NBA (Mr. Barnabas Igwe) and his wife (Mrs Abigail Igwe/also a lawyer), were cold bloodedly murdered. In the annals of NBA officially rising to the occasion through its officers when it mattered, reportedly, with the support and approval of the overall leadership, Mr. Dele Adesina practically moved the Secretariat to Onitsha. NBA was so moved to operate like a double edged sword. Aside from making attempts to get justice on one hand, Mr. Adesina, responsibly, was instrumental and pivotal to “securing the future” of children of late Barnabas and Abigail Igwe. On the march, he was able to move the mass, weight and currents of the NBA to raise a sum of N20,000,000 (twenty million naira) as endowment for the upkeep and education of the orphaned children. There are a plethora of inspiring demonstrations of good and humane leadership by Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) at the local and national levels of NBA administration.

Mr. Dele Adesina has definitely seen what many other’s don’t or haven’t, and he requires our assistance and assurance through voting in his favor to assume that position of authority which will enable him launch his good ‘will to power’ and secure the best possible visions he has perceived and conceived for the highly esteemed Nigerian Bar Association. Every vote in his favor matters. Therefore, as we move to vote in the coming election, let it echo in a sonorous orchestral harmony within us that “the crown does not just only look good, but looks sparklingly best on Mr. Dele Adesina’s head”.

Mr. Adesina’s aspiration is not limited to just being the NBA President for purpose of executing the professional society’s development agenda. In his mission statement, it is clearly spelt out that the NBA will also be driven to the point of influencing, and contributing to, nation building. This is proof of capacity for innovation, dynamism and positive community influence. This is believable; particularly wherein one peruses through the indelible scripts of his history and profile to savor his time at the phenomenal Ikeja Bar as Chairman where he was tasked with standing alongside his progressive likes in strong opposition against military dictatorship with success. Undisputedly, Mr. Adesina (SAN) is capable and ready—more than ready! Therefore, let our votes be ready to roar victoriously because ‘the crown does not just only look good, but looks sparklingly best on Mr. Dele Adesina’s head’. 

Mr. Dele Adesina’s overtures are well spelt out in beams of bright sparkling light under the administration of esteemed Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN) as NBA President. There are many positive impacts to highlight. Is it in respect of the establishment and support of diversity and specialization? Or, is it with regard to the focus on seeing to the rising of the standard of legal education by direct investment in form of four law schools (as it then existed)? TAKE NOTE, as a matter of profound and indelible legacy, that Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) was part of the team that secured the establishment of NBA as a body with juristic personality and perpetual succession in 2002. What is more, he was part of the team that established the stamp and seal policy to check the invasion of fake lawyers and to promote professionalism. Being part of the above listed success trains is further proof of his overtures towards keeping and maintaining a vision – OF SECURTY. There is so much more on the score cards of experience which drum thunderously in Mr. Dele Adesina’s favor. His candidature is such a massive swagger ginger to the mind which seeks genuine and realistic progress of the Bar. Hence; absolutely—and without doubt, “the crown does not just only look good, but looks sparklingly best on Mr. Dele Adesina’s head”. 

Dexterous on the flanks of intellectual writing, Mr. Adesina has shed very intensely luminous rays of light through his publications and lectures on vital issues concerning law and the legal profession. The count of these works is over two score (40+) within and outside Nigeria. Attentively glazing into his vision which is driven by “visionary, selfless and exemplary leadership”, one is drawn towards his profile and mission statement wherein no self seeking engineered propaganda is visible. Visible on all fronts are facts which sound loud in his vision statement. Mr. Adesina’s works, journey, and sacrifice, speak for him in thunderously vociferous magnitude; yet, calm in consistency of impact and wowing impression, like sweetly scented breeze of a flowery garden. As a matter of fact and no figment of fantasilized imagination,   Mr. Adesina (SAN) is WELL INFORMED about the association which he presently aspires to lead. His standing is pure ASSURANCE. His candidature is the REAL DEAL! Once again, reiteratively speaking, ‘the crown does not just look good, but looks sparklingly best on Mr. Dele Adesina’s head.

The promised destination of consolidated glory is at hand for the Nigerian Bar Association with Mr. Dele Adesina as the National President. This is a central awareness of a multitude of highly esteemed lawyers from Gracious Silks to New Wigs, who have chosen to add their voices to support Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) in campaign. The graceful multitude, known as TEAM DASAN (DELE-ADESINA-SAN) and publicly marshaled by Mr. Adesina Adegbite (Former National Welfare Secretary of the NBA), have been a spectacular propeller—blazing indefatigably with blistering momentum, boisterous glee, contiguous optimism, inviolable harmony, and an apparently indestructible spirit of progression towards a golden goal.

The high powered team DASAN train is endowed with a limitless expansive space to accommodate as many as would like to support the great course of progression into a better secured future of the Bar. For those who have not yet come on board DASAN EXPRESS, cast away all doubts concerning Mr. Dele Adesina’s candidature, take a decision for DASAN (if you have not done so), reflect deeply and resolve to align with  Mr. Adesina’s aspiration. VOTE RIGHT! Your vote is your power to empower the best and contribute to the consolidated future security and greatness of the highly esteemed Nigerian Bar Association.

All along in the NBA, Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) has been there, serving meritoriously. Obviously, he is very fit to be the next President of NBA. As for those who are buying a misconception that Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) is riding on a tribal chariot, please think twice and CAST AWAY such misleading misconception as they come your way. Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) is a bar man of exquisite open mindedness and humane grandeur—further finely defined in Spanish letters’ construct as DASAN El Magnifico! To the Young Lawyers, because you are the FUTURE, it is most beneficial that you observe scales of ‘experience’ and ‘service value’ in the history of the NBA administration as you choose whom to vote for. Mr. Dele Adesina (SAN) is a perfect example of a leader to support and follow. On a concluding note, I strongly affirm that there was never, and there is not, A SINGLE DOUBT: ‘the crown does not just only look good, but LOOKS SPARKLINGLY BEST ON DELE ADESHINA’S HEAD!’.

Book Reveal: Social Media For Lawyers

Adedunmade Onibokun, the Founder and publisher of the Nigerian Blawg, @Legalnaija is set to launch his 2nd book, Social Media for Lawyers. According to the teaser released earlier today on his social media channels, the book is to help lawyers harness social media resources to create visibility and grow their practice.
NBAAGC2020: Through The Years With The NBA At This 60th Annual General Conference Anniversary

NBAAGC2020: Through The Years With The NBA At This 60th Annual General Conference Anniversary

Preceding the onset
of colonialism and subsequent introduction of English-type courts by the
British, the concept of Law, settlement of dispute, or conflict resolution and
justice was not unknown to what was to become Nigeria (1)

Before the fusion of the Southern and Northern territories in 1914, the territories consisted of politically and legally independent tribes which had set-in-place mechanisms for addressing conflicts, such as mediation, adjudication, reconciliation, and negotiation as well as cross examination, which offered great prospects for peaceful co-existence and harmonious relationships post-conflict than the modern method of litigation settlements in law courts (2)The English Legal System was introduced first to
the Lagos colony of Nigeria in 1863. Pursuant to Section 71 the Supreme Court Ordinance
of 1876, a person could only qualify to practice law in Nigeria if they
have been called to bar or admitted as solicitors in England, Scotland or Ireland


Christopher Alexander
Sapara Williams was th
e first qualified indigenous lawyer called to the English
bar in 1879, he later became Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association in 1900.
Although this was prior to the formal establishment of the Nigerian Bar
Association, history has it that lawyers in Nigeria had already been organizing
themselves and holding meetings periodically to deliberate on issues or matters
of interest and matters pertaining to the legal profession
The Legal Profession is one of the oldest professions in modern Nigeria

Although legal
practice in Nigeria dates as far back as the 19
th century, it was
only until about five decades ago, precisely 1959, that the Nigerian Bar
Association (NBA) came into being
The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is the non-profit, umbrella professional
association for all lawyers who complete and meet all the licensing
requirements for admission to the Bar in Nigeria. The Nigerian Bar Association
has 125 active branches across the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory
of Nigeria. The current president of the Nigerian Bar Association is Paul
Usoro, SAN. 

Below is a list of
chairmen of the Nigerian Bar Association before 1959:





Christopher Sapara

1900 -1915


Sir Kitoyi Ajasa

1915 – 1937


Eric Olawale Moore

1937 – 1944


E.J. Alex Taylor

1944 – 1950


Sir Adeyemo Alakija

1950 – 1952


Jubril Martin

1952 – 1959

Although legal
practice in Nigeria dates as far back as the 19th century, it was
only until about five decades ago, precisely 1959, that the Nigerian Bar
Association (NBA) came into being (6).
The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is the non-profit, umbrella professional
association for all lawyers who complete and meet all the licensing
requirements for admission to the Bar in Nigeria. The Nigerian Bar Association
has 125 active branches across the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory
of Nigeria. The current president of the Nigerian Bar Association is Paul
Usoro, SAN. 

Following the formal
establishment of the Nigerian Bar Association, the title of leadership of the
Bar changed from Chairman to President. Below is the list of Presidents, who
had similar authority to the former Chairmen:


Frederick Rotimi

1960 – 1968


Peter Thomas

1968 – 1969


Chief B.M. Boyo

1969 – 1970


Chief Richard Akinjide

1970 – 1973


Chief Adebayo

1973 – 1974


Dr. Mudiaga Odge

1974 – 1975


Dr. Nwakanma Okoro

1976 – 1978


Chief B.O. Benson

1978 – 1980


Chief Adetunji

1980 – 1982


A.N. Anyamene

1982 – 1984


Prince Bola Ajibola

1984 – 1985


Ebele Nwokoye

1985 – 1987


Alao Aka-Bashorun

1987 – 1989


Charles Idehen

1989 – 1991


Chief Clement

1991 – 1992


Priscilla Kuye

1991 – 1992

Between 1992 to 1998,
the Nigerian Bar Association had no president. The national body of the NBA was
thrown into a state of abeyance as a result of the leadership conference crisis
which occurred in Port-Harcourt (7).
Following the awakening of the NBA in 1998, the presidents of the NBA were:


Chief T.J.O.
Okpoko, SAN

1998 – 2000


O.C.J. Okocha, SAN

2000 – 2002


Chief Wole
Olanipekun, SAN

2002 – 2004


Chief Bayo Ojo, SAN

2004 – 2005


Prince Lanke

2005 – 2006


Olisa Agbakoba

2006 – 2008


Chief Oluwarotimi
Akeredolu, SAN

2008 – 2010


Joseph Bodurin
Daudu, SAN

2010 – 2012


Okey Wali, SAN

2012 – 2014


Augustine Alegeh,

2014 – 2016


Mahmoud Abubakar
Balarabe, SAN

2016 – 2018


Paul Usoro, SAN

2018 till date

The Nigerian Bar
Association aims at ensuring the promotion and protection of human rights, the
rule of law and good governance in Nigeria. The association concerns itself with
the process of imbibing and respecting the dictates of democracy and the
enforcement of judgements, especially by government agencies. The NBA Court
Boycott of 2006, under the leadership of Lanke Odogiyo, is a befitting
illustration of the influence of the association. The boycott was a protest
against the contempt and ridicule of the rule of law by politicians, persistent
disobedience of court orders and the violation of fundamental rights of
citizens (8). The boycott was a
huge success and one of the many victories of the NBA. In the words of Lawal-Rabana,
when the Bar talks, the nation listens.

This topic will be further discussed at the opening plenary session of the NBA Annual General Conference scheduled to hold on Wednesday, 26th of August, 2020. Please join the discussion to learn more of the victories and successes of the Nigerian Bar Association. panelist include the NBA President, Paul Usoro SAN 



1. Taslim, Elias. The Nature of African Customary
Law. 1956.

Methods of Conflict Resolution in African. Ajayi, Adeyinka Theresa and
Buhari, Lateef Oluwafemi. 2014.

Afe, Babalola SAN. Repositioning Legal Education for National Development
(1). 2019.

Peters, Ifeoma. List: NBA Presidents from Inception till Date. 2018.

Thomas, D. O. The Legal Profession in Nigeria at a glance – History, Nature
and Regulations. 2017.

David, Olayinka A. Ibadan and the Beginnings of the Nigerian Bar Association.

Richard, Ahonaruogho. Rebirth of NBA after 1992 Port Harcourt conference
crises, learning from history or repeating it. 2020.

A, Lawal-Rabana R. The Nigerian Bar Association and the Protection of Rule of
Law in Nigeria .


Breaking News! | NBA Branches in Ebonyi State Align With The Candidature of Dele Adesina, SAN As Their Sole  Candidate In The Forthcoming NBA National Election

Breaking News! | NBA Branches in Ebonyi State Align With The Candidature of Dele Adesina, SAN As Their Sole  Candidate In The Forthcoming NBA National Election

Chief Roy Umahi addressing the meeting
The three branches of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in Ebonyi State have in their joint meeting held on 17th July, 2020 resolved amongst other things to align with the candidature of Dele Adesina SAN as their sole candidate for the position of President in the forthcoming national election of NBA slated to hold on 29th and 30th July, 2020.

The decision to align with the candidature of Dele Adesina, SAN was reached by the leaders and members of the three branches numbered over 200 in attendance in a joint meeting held at Citi Hub Event Center, Abakaliki.

According to Messrs Ogbonnaya Okorie, Michael Odi Njoku and Uchenna Collins Igba who are chairmen of Abakaliki, Afikpo and Onueke branches respectively, the above decision was informed by the sterling track records of the learned Silk, the wealth of knowledge and experience he acquired in various leadership roles he has played for the progress of the bar.

Another reason is that the emergence of Dele Adesina, SAN who is the adopted candidate of Egbe Amofin (umbrella body of Yoruba lawyers) will ensure equity and fairness vis a vis the zoning formula provided in the NBA Constitution, 2015 (as amended).

The joint meeting of Ebonyi Bar is the first of its kind and was well attended by the leaders and members of the three branches.

Among the leaders who attended the meeting include Mr. Emeka Anosike (National Financial Secretary of NBA), Mr. R.O Umahi Nweze, Chief Goddy Ogbaga (former Minister of State for Power and Steel), Mazi Eziaku Eze ( former chairman, Abakaliki Branch of NBA), Chief Stanley Nkaa (former Chairman, Afikpo Branch of NBA), Mr. Festus Nweke, JP (former chairman, Abakaliki Branch of NBA) among other senior members and stakeholders of the three branches.

The motion to align with the candidature of Dele Adesina, SAN as a sole candidate for the position of the President was moved by Mr. Emeka Odom, Secretary, Onueke Branch and seconded by Mr. C.I Okwor of Abakaliki Branch before it was adopted by the overwhelming members of the three NBA branches in Ebonyi State.

In their remarks, the chairman of Abakaliki, Ogbonnaya Okorie, the chairman of Afikpo, Sir Michael Odi Njoku and the chairman of Onueke branch, Colins Uchenna Igba, urged members who were yet to verify their data on NBA portal to do so to enable them massively vote for their candidate.

1. Ogbonnaya Okorie, Chairman and Nnaemeka Nwambam,
Secretary, Abakaliki Branch.

2. Sir Michael Odi Njoku, Chairman and Samuel Egwu Ohia,
Secretary, Afikpo Branch.

3. Colins Uchenna Igba, Chairman and Emeka Odom,
Secretary, Onueke Branch.

Chief Hon. G. O Ogbaga (Former Minister of State Power & Steel) and Ade Adegbite flanked by O Okorie (Chairman, Abakaliki Branch) and Festus Nweke (Immediate Past Chairman, Abakaliki Branch)

From L-R: O Okorie (Chairman, Abakaliki Branch), U. C Igba (Chairman, Onueke Branch), Emeka Anosike (Financial Secretary, NBA National), Ade Adegbite (National Coordinator, Team DASAN), Festus Nweke (Immediate Past Chairman, Abakaliki Branch), Nnaemeka Nwambam (Secretary, Abakaliki Branch)
National Coordinator Team DASAN in group picture with some of the participants
Omaplex Virtual Internship For Lawyers

Omaplex Virtual Internship For Lawyers

The world is fast becoming a Technological zone; running businesses online, solving issues with technology, etc., and the Legal world cannot be left behind. OMAPLEX is regarded as one of the world’s leading innovative Law Firm presently in Nigeria known for its best practice in Technology Law. 
The Firm has successfully taken the business of the Legal profession miles ahead with its technological visibility most especially its newest innovation of Virtual Internship representation in Nigeria.
Internship is an opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees, usually undergraduates or fresh graduates, to obtain work experience for a fixed period; usually between a month and three months.
It provides students with practical skills, firsthand workplace experience and greater knowledge of the industry, real-world experiences and helps them make connections before heading out into their chosen field in exchange for the employer benefiting from the labour.
Recently due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, lots of Companies have begun to take advantage of the convenience offered by technology to have their employees work remotely within the confines of their homes. During this period, we have witnessed Digital technology dramatically changing a lot of activities. There is a swift shift in the ways students navigate their learning experience with online courses, and study groups which has brought a new level of convenience to students’ lives. 
One experience expected to be least transformed by technology is Internship. Based on this, OMAPLEX Law Firm is readily poised to take more advantage of technology by creating virtual internship for interested individuals to learn the required skills for a highly successful chance with the legal profession, from home.


The virtual internship by OMAPLEX Law Firm is a work experience program whereby Participants (interns) gain experience while working virtually in the Firm.
The Virtual Internship intends to provide various opportunities for  participants to learn more about  the  operations of a Legal Business, by  carrying out basic activities that may include mastering the skill of Proof reading documents, Drafting, Presentations/Proposals, Research, sorting through documents and more. 
One of the skills and knowledge that Participants are expected to gain is an opportunity to expand their knowledge of and experience with Technology thereby helping with the development of skills in time management and problem solving . Also, the internship is intended to  equip  participants with a range of skills that will help them network and build valuable connections in the legal industry which can also be a valuable addition to their Curriculum Vitae, thereby giving them a front over their counterparts who will not key into this laudable scheme. 
1. The opportunity to telecommute: participants can intern with the firm without having to leave their home and still gain the experience needed for a competitive edge. 
2. Flexibility: which means the internship program can be worked easily according to their schedule.
3. A chance to develop knowledge and skills in the multifaceted spheres of the legal industry.
4. Exploring different areas of law to see which is likely to be pursued.
5. Acquiring insights into the way the legal field works and what challenges it faces daily.
6. The opportunity to create a network of contacts.
7. Gaining valuable work experience to set them apart from other candidates.
8. Acquiring practical knowledge of the courses being taught in the university.

With the invention of this cutting-edge technology cum knowledge initiative, OMAPLEX Law Firm is looking to give back by training more persons who are interested in the delicate nuances of the legal profession and practice anywhere in the world without having the need to be physically present. The benefits to be tapped are not exhaustive and as indicated above, it is a life-changing avenue which only participants can truly appreciate the priceless value, as it sets them on the part to attaining not only academic and professional excellence, but also gaining a remarkable degree of expertise and peerless proficiency in the niche that this opportunity will aid them to couch for themselves.

About Us
OMAPLEX LAW FIRM is one of the leading law firms in Nigeria that came about as a result of merging of great law firms established with the purpose of bringing specialists that have gained experience for over 10 years in different areas of law practice in order to provide the highest level of technical legal expertise to our clients.

Dele Adesina’s Record and Experience Surpasses All – Team DASAN

Dele Adesina’s Record and Experience Surpasses All – Team DASAN

Incase you are asked of his record and experience, tell them this and many more.

The administration of Dele Adesina as Chairman NBA Ikeja Branch stood tall first and foremost to unite the Branch and reposition the Branch for vibrancy and dynamism which has remained the hallmark of Ikeja Bar till today. The administration stood tall to check the excesses of military dictatorship and include strict compliance to the Rule of Law. The administration also at various times led delegations to the State House of Assembly to render sound legal advice on momentous issues.

The administration of Wole Olanipekun SAN as president and Dele Adesina SAN as Secretary, formed some of the major corner pieces on which the NBA holds itself today.

Dele Adesina SAN as General Secretary was instrumental to the registration of the NBA with the Corporate Affairs Commission as a Juristic person.

Dele Adesina SAN as General Secretary was instrumental to the introduction of the stamp and seal policy to check incidences of fake lawyers and to promote professionalism by members.

As General Secretary, Dele Adesina revived and published 8 volumes of the Nigerian Bar Journal. The editorial board of which was headed by Mallam Yusuf Ali SAN and Prof. Ernest Ojukwu SAN

Dele Adesina SAN was instrumental to the initiative for the setting up of NBA Continuing Legal Education programme for the first time in 2003 and Prof. Ernest Ojukwu SAN was appointed to pilot it.

When Dele Adesina was Secretary of NBA that administration with the approval of NEC and the AGC established the Section on Legal Practice (SLP) and Section on Business Law (SBL) and constituted the pioneer Council for the two Sections under the leadership of Mallam Yusuf Ali SAN and George Etomi Esq.

Dele Adesina’s administration as General Secretary was the first to focus on the falling standard of Legal Education in Nigeria by making a symbolic cash grant of Four Million Naira with the approval of NEC to the 4 (four) campuses of the Nigerian Law School existing at the time because NEC discovered following exhaustive discussions on the issue that inadequate funding was one of the major challenges of the institution. This marked the first and only direct pro-active/intervention of the NBA in Legal Education in Nigeria.

As part of strategic programs to address the welfare of members, the administration established 2 insurance schemes with Great Nigeria Insurance Company Limited, a leading insurance company in Life Insurance Policies (1) Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy and (2) Group Life Assurance Policy. Under the Group Personal Accident Policy, a member was entitled to payment of N200,000 in the event of any accident resulting in disability and N20,000 for medical expenses, for the Group Life Assurance Policy, a member was entitled to the sum of N200,000 in the event of death. Payment was made payable to the deceased dependants.

The administration set up a reward system as standard policy for remuneration of junior lawyers in Nigeria, breaking the country in to 3 Zones. Zone A comprised of Lagos, Abuja and Port-hacourt. Zone B comprised majorly of State Capitals while Zone C comprised of other areas or locations.

The history of the NBA will not be completely told without the mention of the legendary role played by Dele Adesina in 2002 when the Igwes were gruesomely murdered on the street of Onitsha. The mass protests by the Nigerian lawyers led by Dele Adesina as General Secretary shook the Nation and prompted the Government to take action against the killers.

These and many more are the track record and experiences that Dele Adesina SAN will bring on board to further reposition the NBA. The key members of that administration are with Dele Adesina SAN because they know that he made excellent contribution to the success of the reforms of NBA. Most definitely, if we are looking for the true definition of the word “reformer”, then we must look no further than the Dele Adesina SAN himself.

*Team DASAN*