Are you a lawyer looking to find new clients and earn more fees? If so, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to renew your subscription to the Legalnaija Lawyers Directory.

The Legalnaija Lawyers Directory is the largest and most trusted online platform for connecting lawyers with potential clients in Nigeria and by subscribing to the directory, you will get access to:

▪︎ A professional profile page that showcases your expertise, experience and contact details.

▪︎ A listing in the searchable database of lawyers by practice area, location and name.

▪︎ A chance to be featured in the Legalnaija blog, newsletter and social media channels.

▪︎ A network of over 1000 lawyers and legal professionals who can refer you cases and collaborate with you.

▪︎ Exclusive discounts and offers from Legalnaija partners and sponsors

Renew your subscription today and enjoy the benefits of being part of the LegalNaija community. To renew, simply click on any of the following links;

– one month basic subscription (2500 Naira)

– One month premium subscription (4000 Naira)

– One year basic subscription (28,000 Naira)

– One year premium subscription (45,000 Naira)

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at or call 09029755663.We look forward to hearing from you soon.
