This Book is designed
to educate its reader on various provisions of Nigerian laws and how each
person may protect and enforce their legal rights and obligations. It is a
collection of rich legal topics on recondite varied areas of law such as;
Business Law, Government and Administrative Law, Courts and Justice System, Criminal Law,
Corruption and Fraud, Electoral Law, Family Law, Law Enforcement Laws, Armed
Forces Law, and Property Law. The book is one of a
kind and will in no small way close the gap of legal literacy in Nigeria and
equip the citizenry with legal information and education.
to educate its reader on various provisions of Nigerian laws and how each
person may protect and enforce their legal rights and obligations. It is a
collection of rich legal topics on recondite varied areas of law such as;
Business Law, Government and Administrative Law, Courts and Justice System, Criminal Law,
Corruption and Fraud, Electoral Law, Family Law, Law Enforcement Laws, Armed
Forces Law, and Property Law. The book is one of a
kind and will in no small way close the gap of legal literacy in Nigeria and
equip the citizenry with legal information and education.
To order your copy, contact Lawlexis on
Price is N5000
(Five Thousand Naira).
(Five Thousand Naira).
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