Functions of the Council

• Provide speedy redress to consumers’ complaints through negotiation, mediation and conciliation;
• Seek ways and means of eliminating from the market hazardous products and causing offenders to replace such products with more appropriate alternatives;
• Publish, from time to time, the list of products the consumption and sale of which have been banned, withdrawn, severally restricted or not approved by the Federal Government;
• Cause an offending company or individual to protect, compensate, and provide relief and safeguards to injured consumers or communities from adverse effects of technologies that are inherently harmful;
• Organise and undertake campaigns and other forms of activities as will lead to increased public consumer awareness;
• Encourage trade, industry and professional associations to develop and enforce in their various fields quality standards designed to safeguard the interest of consumers;
• Issue guidelines to manufacturers, importers, dealers and wholesalers in relation to their obligation under the act;
• Encourage the formation of voluntary consumer groups or associations for consumers, well-being;
• Ensure consumer interests receive due consideration at appropriate forums and provide redress for the exploitation of consumers;
• Encourage the adoption of appropriate measures to ensure that products are safe for either intended or normally safe use; and
• Perform such other functions as may be imposed on the council.
Complaint and Redress
Consumers or communities who have suffered loss, injury or damage as a result of the use of a product or service may make a complaint in writing to seek redress through a state committee. Whereupon an investigation, it is discovered that a consumer’s rights has been violated and such consumer has incurred injury or damages, the consumer in addition to redress by the council can seek restitution or compensation in any competent court of law. Such courts may thus make an order for compensation to the injured party.