The Section on Legal
Practice Law Journal (SLPJ) is a high impact peer review publication of the
Section on Legal Practice of the Nigerian Bar Association. The Editorial
Committee calls for well researched articles interrogating topical and
contemporary legal issues or recent developments in the law.
Practice Law Journal (SLPJ) is a high impact peer review publication of the
Section on Legal Practice of the Nigerian Bar Association. The Editorial
Committee calls for well researched articles interrogating topical and
contemporary legal issues or recent developments in the law.
Contributions must be
original, written in the active voice only and should not have been submitted
elsewhere for publication or presentation. The title of every article should be
concise and clear describing what the paper is about. The authors have the
responsibility to ensure that the material submitted does not infringe
copyright, plagiarise other work, is not obscene, defamatory or otherwise
litigious or unlawful.
original, written in the active voice only and should not have been submitted
elsewhere for publication or presentation. The title of every article should be
concise and clear describing what the paper is about. The authors have the
responsibility to ensure that the material submitted does not infringe
copyright, plagiarise other work, is not obscene, defamatory or otherwise
litigious or unlawful.
Contributors are to use
footnotes. Names, addresses, title, telephone and e-mail addresses of
contributors should be provided at the footnote on the first page of the
article after an asterisk before any reference numbering.
footnotes. Names, addresses, title, telephone and e-mail addresses of
contributors should be provided at the footnote on the first page of the
article after an asterisk before any reference numbering.
Contributions should be
typed on Microsoft word, Times New Roman, font size 12, on A4 paper and not
exceeding 20 pages. Soft copies of contributions shall be forwarded to
info@nba-slp.org.ng or www.nba-slp.org on
or before the 28/03/2019. The Section on Legal Practice Nigerian Bar
Association citation and referencing style shall be adopted for citation and
referencing of contributions for publication.
typed on Microsoft word, Times New Roman, font size 12, on A4 paper and not
exceeding 20 pages. Soft copies of contributions shall be forwarded to
info@nba-slp.org.ng or www.nba-slp.org on
or before the 28/03/2019. The Section on Legal Practice Nigerian Bar
Association citation and referencing style shall be adopted for citation and
referencing of contributions for publication.
Papers should be sent by
email attachment in Microsoft Word format to baderemi@nbaslp.org, info@nba-slp.org, clearly marked for
the attention of the Editor-in-Chief.
email attachment in Microsoft Word format to baderemi@nbaslp.org, info@nba-slp.org, clearly marked for
the attention of the Editor-in-Chief.
An abstract of not more than
150 words should also be submitted with the contribution. Miannaya Essien, SAN,
150 words should also be submitted with the contribution. Miannaya Essien, SAN,
Chairperson Section on Legal
1 Examples are provided
below as guides;
below as guides;
Goldface-Irokalibe, I.J.(2007)
Law of Banking In Nigeria. Malthouse Press, Lagos, Nigeria.P.3
Law of Banking In Nigeria. Malthouse Press, Lagos, Nigeria.P.3
Nwabuoku, M.O.I, (2018)
Unmasking the Big Masquerade Called Ex-parte Injunction In Nigeria: Emergent
Issues and The Law. Section on Legal Practice Law Journal, Vol.4, p. 105.
Unmasking the Big Masquerade Called Ex-parte Injunction In Nigeria: Emergent
Issues and The Law. Section on Legal Practice Law Journal, Vol.4, p. 105.
Case Law
Chief Livinus Ezemegbe vs,
The Nigerian Stock Exchange & 1Or. (2009) 3 NISLR 112.
The Nigerian Stock Exchange & 1Or. (2009) 3 NISLR 112.
Companies and Allied Matters
Act, CAP 124, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria. Section 18.
Act, CAP 124, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria. Section 18.
Electronic/Web page
Denwigwe, D.C, Guide to
Fundamental Rights Enforcement in Nigeria. http://www.slp-nba.html
Retrieved October 21, 2018.
Fundamental Rights Enforcement in Nigeria. http://www.slp-nba.html
Retrieved October 21, 2018.
National Secretariat:
National Secretariat:
NBA House, Plot 1101
Mohammadu Buhari Way,
Mohammadu Buhari Way,
Central Business District, Abuja,
F.C.T, Nigeria
Tel: + 234 (0) 810 820 8068
F.C.T, Nigeria
Tel: + 234 (0) 810 820 8068