- London Legal Walk on 21 May 2018
team as we raise funds to support free legal advice charities in London and the
South East. 50% of any funds raised by the BNLF team will be donated to
our selected charity AFRUCA (Africans Unite Against Child Abuse). Contact chair@bnlf.org.uk to join the BNLF team
sponsored walkers.
For further information or to make a donation see: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=BritishNigeriaLawForum18&pageUrl=1
- AGM & Elections on 5 June 2018
are eligible to vote at the election on 5 June 2018. We have introduced
electronic voting to enable wider participation in the elections. Paid up
members will receive details of how to vote, please make sure that we have your
current email address.
To be eligible to stand for election you must be a current member (paid up for
2018).If you are interested in standing for an Executive Officer position you
must be a current member, paid up for the last 3 consecutive years and also be
a Barrister/ Solicitor with at least 3 years post qualification experience.
Contact admin@bnlf.org.uk
to receive a nomination form.
For further information and to attend the AGM at
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP see:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/british-nigeria-law-forum-annual-general-meeting-election-5-june-2018-tickets-45887134655?aff=es2
- To join BNLF
categories of membership. Complete the membership form and make payment via
PayPal or through the BNLF bank account See:
- 27 – 29 June 2018
BNLF members attending the Nigerian Bar Association’s 12 Annual Business Law
Conference 27 – 29 June 2018 at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria
contact businessnetwork@bnlf.org.uk
- Launch of BNLF Junior Lawyers Division
(further details to be provided soon).
- 25 – 30 August 2018
be attending the Annual General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association,
Abuja, Nigeria (further details to be provided soon).
- 11 September 2018
Dyson Bell. This event is organised by the BNLF Family Law Network (further
details to be provided soon).
- 30 November 2018
Annual Dinner, London (further details to be provided soon). For enquiries
about sponsorship/advertising at this event contact: chair@bnlf.org.uk
Thank you for your interest
Email: info@bnlf.org.uk
Website: http://bnlf.org.uk