With the exit of Britain
from the European Union, now popularly called Brexit, there remains an
uncertainty for the future of Britain especially as it relates to African
Trade, most especially what are the consequences for Africa.
from the European Union, now popularly called Brexit, there remains an
uncertainty for the future of Britain especially as it relates to African
Trade, most especially what are the consequences for Africa.
While there are some schools
of thought which say Post-Brexit Britain will be African’s largest G7 investor,
for many, this may not be the case.
of thought which say Post-Brexit Britain will be African’s largest G7 investor,
for many, this may not be the case.
According to the UK’S trade
Commissioner for Africa, Emma Wade- Smith Brexit is an opportunity not a
threat, with Britain poised to improve an existing EU trade agreements and
invest billions in Africans growth.
Commissioner for Africa, Emma Wade- Smith Brexit is an opportunity not a
threat, with Britain poised to improve an existing EU trade agreements and
invest billions in Africans growth.
Most definitely, Trade
between Africa and the UK is growing, according to figures from the British
office of National Statistics (ONS), UK-Africa trade increased 7% to 33.1BN
Pounds in 2018. More so, according to Jeremy Hunt, British deals in Ghana and
Nigeria worth E82m ($108m).
between Africa and the UK is growing, according to figures from the British
office of National Statistics (ONS), UK-Africa trade increased 7% to 33.1BN
Pounds in 2018. More so, according to Jeremy Hunt, British deals in Ghana and
Nigeria worth E82m ($108m).
News that the British
government also plans to put in place a Trade Preference Scheme for
approximately 70 developing countries, which will provide the same level of
access as the current EU Generalized Scheme of Preferences is good news for
African Countries.
government also plans to put in place a Trade Preference Scheme for
approximately 70 developing countries, which will provide the same level of
access as the current EU Generalized Scheme of Preferences is good news for
African Countries.
Generally, depending on the
general focus of the UK government and ability of Africa nations to prepare for
British investment, the future will hold a number of truths for the African
Continent and the UK.
general focus of the UK government and ability of Africa nations to prepare for
British investment, the future will hold a number of truths for the African
Continent and the UK.
To be better prepared, nations
in Africa such as Nigeria must begin to position itself as big trading spots
within the continent. Most especially, Nigeria has to begin to see how it can
grow its manufacturing capacity and reduce its imports from foreign countries.
in Africa such as Nigeria must begin to position itself as big trading spots
within the continent. Most especially, Nigeria has to begin to see how it can
grow its manufacturing capacity and reduce its imports from foreign countries.
This topic will be
adequately discussed at the upcoming Annual General Conference of the Nigerian
Bar Association.
adequately discussed at the upcoming Annual General Conference of the Nigerian
Bar Association.
Quite a number of experts
will be on hand to deliberate the issue and it would be great for lawyers to
learn her roles and how they can better participate in the UK-Africa
will be on hand to deliberate the issue and it would be great for lawyers to
learn her roles and how they can better participate in the UK-Africa
So what does Brexit mean for
Africa, join the discuss at the AGC.
Africa, join the discuss at the AGC.