The Benefits Of Mediation Over Litigation include –
gives better results because control remains directly in the hands of the
parties as decision makers.
gives better results because control remains directly in the hands of the
parties as decision makers.
· Win
or lose, it is comparatively quick and cheap as a self- contained process.
or lose, it is comparatively quick and cheap as a self- contained process.
saves management time.
saves management time.
is private and confidential.
is private and confidential.
a dynamic, it actively promotes renewal and reconciliation because it has been
structured to restore relationships.
a dynamic, it actively promotes renewal and reconciliation because it has been
structured to restore relationships.
looks to find fault; Mediation does not.
looks to find fault; Mediation does not.
Mediation makes a particularly attractive
route where parties are likely to continue to have dealings and interact in the
future, whether in business, as neighbors or within the confines of some close
personal relationship or physical proximity. This is of particular interest in
Landlord/Tenant, Vendor/Purchaser, Principal/Agent and other neighbor
relationships, as well as trading partners.
route where parties are likely to continue to have dealings and interact in the
future, whether in business, as neighbors or within the confines of some close
personal relationship or physical proximity. This is of particular interest in
Landlord/Tenant, Vendor/Purchaser, Principal/Agent and other neighbor
relationships, as well as trading partners.
Standing Conference Of Mediation Advocates (SCMA) *The Lagos Multi- Door
Courthouse Law (LMDC) 2007* The LMDC Practice Direction on Mediation Procedure*
The Multi Door Courthouse Code of Ethics for Mediators* Guidelines For
Enforcement Procedure *Guidelines for Court referrals to Alternative Dispute
Resolution *Principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution by Stephen J.Ware
*Effective Mediation Advocacy by Andrew Goodman *
Standing Conference Of Mediation Advocates (SCMA) *The Lagos Multi- Door
Courthouse Law (LMDC) 2007* The LMDC Practice Direction on Mediation Procedure*
The Multi Door Courthouse Code of Ethics for Mediators* Guidelines For
Enforcement Procedure *Guidelines for Court referrals to Alternative Dispute
Resolution *Principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution by Stephen J.Ware
*Effective Mediation Advocacy by Andrew Goodman *
For more tips on Mediation –
us on Facebook Page: fb.me/dmediationlawyeristng
us on Facebook Page: fb.me/dmediationlawyeristng