British Nigerian Law Forum (BNLF)
Hospital & Prison Action Network (HPAN)
invite you to a seminar on
Terrorism in Nigeria
The Nigerian Terrorism (Prevention) Act was passed in 2011. However, 2014 has seen a sharp increase in acts of terrorism within Nigeria, which has cost the lives of at least 1500 people and seen the recent abduction of over 200 schoolgirls.
This seminar will raise questions on, amongst other things:
The effectiveness of the Nigerian law enforcement, judicial, and political institutions in dealing with this long-standing threat;
What solutions can be found to assist the Nigerian government; and
If solutions can be gleaned from the international community and human rights laws.
Leading legal and counter-terrorism experts from Nigeria and the UK.
Top government officials (including the Nigerian Inspector-General of Police) have been invited.
Date: Saturday 14 June 2014
Time: 10am to 3pm
Venue: Central London (TBC)
Admission: Eventbrite link to follow.
The event is to be covered by UK and Nigerian media.
More information on this event is to follow.
For more information email info@bnlf.org.uk
For sponsorship opportunities email funmi@bnlf.org.uk
For opportunities to advertise in the forthcoming BNLF Newsletter email juliana@bnlf.org.uk
The BNLF is a professional organisation that aims to strengthen the relationship between the British and Nigerian legal communities.