There would also b those other statutory appointments (NJC, FJSC etc) which are the responsibility of the NBA President. Some have historically been shortchanged in these appointments and they have eminently qualified persons who can occupy these positions and acquit themselves very well. I’ll address this imbalance and source for qualified and dedicated persons from every geo-political zones of Nigeria.
“I believe if we institute good accounting policies and practices in d NBA, we’ll manage ourselves much better and provide affordable services to members including but not limited to AGCs & the fees therefore. Currently, I believe there’s plenty of inefficiency in d system which results in much higher cost to members. I would champion the engagement of a qualified and experienced Chartered Accountant as the NBA Chief Financial Officers & properly organize and staff the NBA Finance Section. I’ll also ensure transparency in our financial reporting systems and budgeting. With these steps, am certain we’ll b able to better manage our costs and provide affordable services to members. I’ll also use my corporate relationships to raise funds for the Association and in d process subsidize services (including AGC fees) for members. Those r some but not all of my plans.
“Actually, the yearly seal helps in checking quacks in the profession and also flushing out those who have been disbarred or suspended for a period. Without the yearly stamp, such persons would continue to use their permanent stamps without let or hindrance and, knowing how ineffective our law enforcement is, they might even escape detection. The annual verification process for issuance of the stamp helps to weed out these scums and pretenders. The late issuance of the stamp I believe is an administrative glitch that ought to be and can be eliminated and I would work on this as NBA President.”