None other, perhaps, in my humble opinion, than any other event in the
existence of twitter, Nigerian social-networking stratosphere has been
shaken to its foundations by a trending topic on twitter, than the
recently trended #30PercentOrNothing. In keeping with the needs of most
Nigerians-youths, especially-all manners of saviours and messiahs have
appeared at one point or the other. Most times, a repetition, other
times, unprecedented.
Periodically, a seasoned mind-bogger and a
renowned spin doctor with a considerable reputation, might rally and
rouse the flames of revolution in the youths. And an enraged, or perhaps
frightened youths will hungrily pick up the trend, make the necessary
noise without second thoughts, only for that highly anticipated
requisite action to become instantaneously and permanently frozen. It
goes without saying then, that the Nigerian situation is aptly captured
by the different animals left on Manor Farm, after their highly praised
revolution, as painted by George Orwell, in his ‘Animal Farm’.
trended topic on twitter, a few weeks back made a deep impression on
me, that I sought to add my voice to the unresolved intrigues and rage
(as would naturally befit any Nigerian socio-political drama). The
trend I was referring to was the #30PercentOrNothing noise that emanated
from the doorsteps of twitter user, @MrFixNigeria. According to all
sides of the gist, MrFixNigeria felt that the Nigerian youths were
heavily cheated from the arrangement and governance of the country and
as such, he felt youths should seriously agitate for a 30% inclusion in
present and any forthcoming government of the country. As is usual with
novelty in Nigeria, he has within a short notice, alongside his
supporters literally taken over Nigerian social networking.
paradoxical nature of the situation, to me, had been as a yoruba adage
succinctly captures it: the matter is like fart in your mouth and salt
is added to it; you are torn between spitting it out and swallowing it. I
really don’t have any problem with MrFixNigeria’s demands and the
foremost yearnings of his supporters; everyone is entitled to his
feelings and the way he chooses to express it should not be a concern of
others. But, I am consoled by the adage that, ‘one should not swallow
poison because he is afraid to spit it and offend others. Moreover, a
feeling can only be a feeling and nothing more. If after fantasizing of
stealing, one goes ahead to steal, then I am afraid, he must go in for
it. Though afraid of social ostracism and stigmatization typical of
Nigerian youths, many a youth might decide to add his two-kobo weight to
the ongoing agitation without second thoughts and proper weighing. I
will rather, as a matter of logical reasoning choose to take the matter
with a grain of salt.
The current clamour for youth inclusion in
the scheme of things, cannot be far-fetched from the ‘normal’ Nigerian
mentality of ‘it is our turn to nibble at the national cake’. Perhaps,
because the originator of the trend saw the massive chunk of the
national cake delegates to the just concluded National Conference took
home; or maybe as is usual in the Nigerian political scene, an Abuja
appointment is patiently waiting. With the mannerism of setting up
committees for this; committees for that, it isn’t unusual that
MrFixNigeria will soon be appointed Chairman of the Committee for Youth
Inclusion in Governance. A make up office at Abuja will hurriedly follow
suit. Real estates at Abuja and long line of modern automobiles will
also be in the offing.
So as not to be labelled a sardonic,
tongue-in-cheek and confused person, I humbly implore you to properly
scrutinise the performance indices of youths that have been granted
opportunities to be in one position of service or the other. Gratifying
their ‘personal’ success was the foremost policy to be implemented once
they’ve occupied such offices. Current National Association of Nigerian
Students (NANS) president, Yinka Gbadebo is a classic portrayal of the
above ideology. Polytechnics’ students across the federation sadly were
forced to sit at home as a result of the inglorious strike of their
lecturers, that of course, was coming on the heels of the infamous ASUU
strike of the recent past that kept University students at home for six
very people that could answer the question why students were at home:
his co-students for that matter! Yinka Gbadebo may have gained some
cheap reputation by being a delegate at the National Conference, but
creases of disappointment didn’t cross my face when he couldn’t proffer a
single imput at the Conference. The current Presidential assistant on
new media, Reno Omokri is a youth. What Reno Omokri has thus far been
able to achieve is to ‘rightly’ paint the opposition party with all
shades of black by cheap propaganda. Weakening their strongholds by
smearing ideologies, even to the extent of using a fake alias, Wendell
Simlin, to achieve his incivility. We have a Jude Imagwe in the person
of person of Presidential adviser on Student Affairs, a youth. His only
advice, as can be guessed by overt manifestations of his boss, is to
refuse the simple demands of teachers in higher institutions, so they
can go on embark on strike actions.
Without any misplaced hope
or embittered disillusionment, let me quickly clarify at this point that
I am not a member of the ruling PDP, neither was I sponsored by the
opposition party. I humbly implore you to gaze down from the summit of
your lofty position and recognize me as that common Nigerian youth, then
you will appreciate the great and unmerited suffering inflicted on me
by a cruel fate. That will make me just an ordinary Nigerian who seeks
to uphold the rule of law. That ordinary individual who seeks equity and
fairness. In the like manner a snake in your bedroom will not hesitate
to bite you as the one in the bush, so I see the composition of the
ruling PDP and main-opposition APC. They are practically made up of the
same bunch of old folks who have stubbornly held on to power since
independence. The same chicanery that have constituted our present
government to be tumult soaked. Members from both sides have
successfully mismanaged this country for long. Their operational basis
is what Tammy Koroye would describe as, ‘a revolving cycle’ forever
recycling them into the fabrics of Nigerian politics.
What then
of the so-claimed youths, MrFixNigeria, and his such-like band are
clamouring for their inclusion in the roadmap and pathways of
governance? The ones who are more interested to see the current edition
of unrealistic reality tv shows, than show concerns about their own
affairs? The ones who in their quest for the fleeting vanities of life
will engage in rapaciousness that mocks reason? The ones wallowing in
indecencies and irrelevancies, that will end up consuming unconsumables
at alarming rates because of their ignoble and pernicious cravings? The
speed at which avarice drives them to indulge in obnoxiousness lends
credence to the uphill task MrFixNigeria has embarked upon.
wouldn’t be surprised to find out that this whole hocus-pocus was
carefully spurned by a master puppeteer, skilled in puppetry, who seeks
to compel attention by all means or a meal-ticket of the originator,
because who knows, with the current massive unemployment, man must wack.
Digressive measures and diversionary tactics have repeatedly proven
effective to those at the helm in this country, such that in such a
dog-eat-dog clime, it wouldn’t be out of place to find out that this
whole 30Percent noise was originally designed to permanently keep youths
at bay. To continuously chain them to the complexities of emotions,
flattery and deceit; humans being duplicitous, self-absorbed, slaves to
intense passions, fickle and gullible. It was customary for those who
wish to gain favour from political office holders to so do by offering
them gifts and those things which such office holders deem precious. I
sincerely hope that the current clamour will not turn out to be such
‘gift’. A window of opportunism which was hurriedly grabbed by
However, I am certain that the earnest yearnings
of our founding fathers must be fulfilled one day. It takes a daring,
bold and audacious individual, who would have a quality of personhood
that could turn shared morality into fighting spirit, and thus prove
that our founding fathers were not wrong in their quest for our
independence from British imperialism. Such pragmatic individual that
will tear through the general praxis of corruption and corrupt
tendencies; that will uphold honesty and not be bought over for a cheap
price tag. The pitfalls of irresoluteness, lack of spirit and fear
should be far off from the region of this current clamour. This way, the
revolutionary spirit and it’s consequent vicissitude of appropriate
leadership, which the country has greatly lacked will come to fruition.
To this end, I will not hesitate to align my spirit with a genuine
#30PercentOrNothing movement. A 30PercentOrNothing that will ensure I
am effectively represented in the scheme of things, not the type that
will produce more Gbadebos, Imagwes, Omokris and their ilk.
real populist ideology is the one which is totally porous-proof. The
type that withstands negative vettings. That should be the one being put
forward by MrFixNigeria. MrFixNigeria should be stubborn and never
yield an inch. Though he may suffer ridicule, his spirit should remain
unshaken. Every genuine agitation that has passed the acid test will
become a concept; perfect in form, explicit in meaning, with a striking
balance, strength, harmony, lucidity and intellectual force that will be
the true yardstick by which other principles are measured. I hope the
#30PercentOrNothing agitation pans out as such.