HiiL Launches the Justice Needs and Satisfaction (JNS) 2024 Report: A Comprehensive Examination of Nigeria’s Justice Landscape 

HiiL invites justice professionals, policymakers, data experts, and all interested parties to a webinar unveiling new data and insights into Nigeria’s evolving justice challenges. 

HiiL (The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law) is pleased to announce the launch of the Justice Needs and Satisfaction (JNS) 2024 report. This pivotal update provides an in-depth analysis of the most pressing justice issues Nigerians face today. This report continues the journey started with the JNS 2023 study, meticulously tracking the development of legal challenges faced by the same group of individuals over three years.

Since 2018, HiiL has been actively engaged in Nigeria, working to understand and address the justice needs of its people. Our mission is to bring justice closer to the population by identifying the most common legal challenges and the barriers that prevent effective resolution. The JNS 2024 report builds on this foundation, delivering fresh insights and data to inform policymakers, legal practitioners, and the public on how to create more accessible and equitable justice systems.

Why This Matters 

Justice in Nigeria is more than just crime statistics and court cases; it encompasses the everyday struggles people encounter, the solutions they seek, and the outcomes they either achieve or fall short of attaining. HiiL’s research, conducted since 2018, underscores the critical need for justice systems that are accessible and centered around the needs of the people.

Key Findings from the JNS 2024 Report 

  • Access to justice remains a significant issue in Nigeria, with challenges such as land disputes, neighbor conflicts, and domestic violence being the most prevalent. ● Over half of those who reported no legal problems in 2023 faced new issues in 2024, highlighting the pervasive nature of legal challenges in the country.
  • While approximately 55% of the problems identified in the initial study were fully or partially resolved by 2024, many unresolved issues continue to have a profound impact on people’s lives, emphasizing the urgent need for sustainable, people-centered justice solutions.

Exclusive Event Invitation

We invite you to join an exclusive online event where HiiL’s research team will present the findings of this comprehensive study. This is an opportunity to gain unique insights into the pressing justice issues facing Nigerians today and to engage directly with experts at the forefront of this research.

Event Agenda 

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks 
  • Introduction to HiiL’s Work in Nigeria 
  • Presentation of the JNS 2024 Report: An in-depth look at Nigeria’s justice landscape ● Q&A Session: Engage with our experts
  • Closing Remarks 

Don’t Miss This Opportunity 

This event is a must-attend for those interested in understanding and addressing the justice challenges in Nigeria. Register now to secure your spot and contribute to the dialogue on shaping a more just and equitable system.

For More Information 

Register now: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yvVciWCATXWftubmV_aOcw#/registration

To learn more about this event or to request an interview, please contact:

Maryam Abba

Operations Officer

Email: maryam.abba@hiil.org

Website: www.hiil.org

About HiiL 

HiiL (The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law) is a civil society organisation committed to people-centred justice. That means justice that is affordable, accessible and easy to understand and that delivers what people need. We aim that by 2030, 150 million people will be able to prevent or resolve their most pressing justice problems. We help develop people-centred justice programmes: a data-driven, evidence-based, and innovation-focused way of working, focused on system change to ensure better delivery of justice services for more people. HiiL is an equal opportunity, international employer. We are based in the Netherlands, in the City of Peace and Justice, The Hague.