planned and implemented legal activities intended to bring potential clients in
the door … that’s marketing! And that doesn’t contravene the law at all!
been showing you WHY you should be marketing your law practice, and that there
is a HOW to market, that is the correct way.
is that …
Over Time, but the Principles NEVER Change. As time goes on, we will be
exposing you to the tools of the trade.’ However, the principles that govern your
use of them will remain the same.
foundation on which your ‘Legal Marketing’ efforts rest. Principles are universal.
Focus on the principles. They work. They are tested and proven. This email will
dwell on the first principle you should know.
The # 1 Principle of great legal marketing is:
You (and only you) decide who you want to see coming through that door as your
next client.
Everybody doesn’t need your services. Everybody cannot be your target client. The
ideal client is the one who desires and needs your services and to him/her,
your services are a ‘hot sell’ to them; a perfect fit for their needs and the
reason why they will be willing to go the extra mile to get it from you at all
Imagine how much easier life will be if you know who they are, where they are
and how to get them.
That’s why the first thing you need to do is…
be giving you pointer questions to help you perform this task of identifying
who is your ideal client. If you are able to successfully think deep and answer
two questions, you have just laid a major stone in the foundation of your law
firm marketing structure.
1. Who is Your Preferred/Choice Customer?
• Who exactly is this customer? Be as specific as possible.
• Identify Demographic Information – age, gender, location,
• Identify Psychographic Information (a.k.a. their affinities)
– especially in areas like politics, religion, values, hobbies,
• Identify Emotional Information – hopes, dreams, fears,
and pain. What is that ‘thing’ that keeps them up at night?
2. What is their KEY Problem and the challenges associated with it that you can address or provide a solution?
The easiest way to do this is to fill in the blanks in this statement (representing
your ideal client): “If I could just ________ I will _________”. For example, say you are a Litigation Lawyer,
one of your client’s problem should be like this:
“If I could just prove my ownership of this property, I will sell it,and
have my peace of mind.
to have in solving it? What are the associated pains that go with it and what
are the associated outcomes that go with solving that pain?
How about if these people know and remember (through the right ‘marketing’)
that YOU are trusted,and can address those pains and help them achieve their desired outcome?
What do you think will happen to your practice if you can find such people or
such people can find you easily?
How easy will it be to provide ‘custom tailored’ solutions to address those
particular needs? How valuable will your ‘offer’ be to them?
It is because you know your ideal customer and what they want, you can then
create the perfect offer for them.
The offer will be “IRRESISTIBLE” because, it provides the perfect solution to
help a SPECIFIC type of people achieve their desired goal. Remember, Client
First, Offer Second
After answering the two questions, what do you think you need to do differently
going forward?
Hit the reply button and let’s hear your comments.
To Your Success!
Mayowa Johnson
Feel free to send your questions on what we have done so far.