If you caught up with my previous
article related to this subject matter; MUSIC
the point noted that there is no perfect music contract that caters, once and
for all, for every single situation. This is so because there are several types
of contracts an artist may make during the long haul of a music career. What is
crucial therefore, is that you understand the content within each specific
music contract; the rights and obligations that they create between parties.
article related to this subject matter; MUSIC
the point noted that there is no perfect music contract that caters, once and
for all, for every single situation. This is so because there are several types
of contracts an artist may make during the long haul of a music career. What is
crucial therefore, is that you understand the content within each specific
music contract; the rights and obligations that they create between parties.
On this article, I am using an Artist
Performance Contract as a template for some of the insights to what you should
arm yourself with as an artist. As you may know, an Artist Performance Contract
is the contract which contains agreements regarding your performance at a gig.
Performance Contract as a template for some of the insights to what you should
arm yourself with as an artist. As you may know, an Artist Performance Contract
is the contract which contains agreements regarding your performance at a gig.
In the meantime, do budding artists in
Nigeria ever sign these contracts or they just receive a call to perform at a
venue and turn up ready to blow out the mics?
Nigeria ever sign these contracts or they just receive a call to perform at a
venue and turn up ready to blow out the mics?
Let’s go:
BASICS: Your contract should clearly define
the location, date, time, amount of compensation for your performance and have
a signature from you and your host.
BASICS: Your contract should clearly define
the location, date, time, amount of compensation for your performance and have
a signature from you and your host.
PERFORMANCE: Precisely define the expectations of
the performance. What does your host expect and what do you expect? How many
breaks? How long should the minimum performance be?
PERFORMANCE: Precisely define the expectations of
the performance. What does your host expect and what do you expect? How many
breaks? How long should the minimum performance be?
PAYMENT: How will you be paid? Is it a fixed
amount, or a percentage of ticket/merchandise sales? When will the you be paid?
What is the method of payment? Would it be in lump sum or in instalments?
PAYMENT: How will you be paid? Is it a fixed
amount, or a percentage of ticket/merchandise sales? When will the you be paid?
What is the method of payment? Would it be in lump sum or in instalments?
4. RIGHTS: Who has the commercial rights to the recording,
reproduction, transmission and photography of your performance?
reproduction, transmission and photography of your performance?
5. COST: If the gig is out of town, you need to be certain of who
will cover the cost of incidentals such as meals, transportation and lodging.
will cover the cost of incidentals such as meals, transportation and lodging.
6. PRODUCTION: How and who handles issues such as
DJs, sound engineering, instrumentals, needs to be stated. Does your host
handle them or leave you to provide them?
DJs, sound engineering, instrumentals, needs to be stated. Does your host
handle them or leave you to provide them?
of God’ are often mentioned to protect everyone involved. This includes weather
and/or illnesses. Acts of God is a legal term for occurrences that are beyond
the control of man and which would effectively cause the performance to be
impossible or delayed.
of God’ are often mentioned to protect everyone involved. This includes weather
and/or illnesses. Acts of God is a legal term for occurrences that are beyond
the control of man and which would effectively cause the performance to be
impossible or delayed.
8. TERMINATION: How will a cancellation of the
performance be handled? Will there be a penalty and to what extent?
Cancellation policies need to be clearly defined in your contract.
performance be handled? Will there be a penalty and to what extent?
Cancellation policies need to be clearly defined in your contract.
9. COPYRIGHTS: You may consider adding a clause on
royalties and licenses to your performance contract especially if the work is
copyrighted. This would bring you economic gains as any part of your
performance is monetized.
royalties and licenses to your performance contract especially if the work is
copyrighted. This would bring you economic gains as any part of your
performance is monetized.
10. RESTRICTIONS: Some specific requirements or restrictions
due to religion or social norms within the location regarding dressing,
language, smoking, drinking etc., would need to be inexplicably stated to avoid
running legal problems.
due to religion or social norms within the location regarding dressing,
language, smoking, drinking etc., would need to be inexplicably stated to avoid
running legal problems.
11. AGENTS: If there is an agent involved, their
terms need to be included as well in relation to the kind of compensation they
would receive or any obligations that they would have.
terms need to be included as well in relation to the kind of compensation they
would receive or any obligations that they would have.
12. INSURANCE: Terms relating to insurance and
security should be provided to cater for possible injuries or mishaps that may
occur in relation to your performance.
security should be provided to cater for possible injuries or mishaps that may
occur in relation to your performance.
In all, as an artist, it behoves on
you, upon your invitation to a gig, to request that a formal contract be signed
between you and your host. This goes a long way in ensuring that both parties
are saved from unnecessary anger in the event that things go wrong.
you, upon your invitation to a gig, to request that a formal contract be signed
between you and your host. This goes a long way in ensuring that both parties
are saved from unnecessary anger in the event that things go wrong.
Finally, make sure to have your lawyer
review all documents in relation to your art before you sign same.
review all documents in relation to your art before you sign same.
I hope you enjoyed this. Kindly share
to others. Cheers!
to others. Cheers!

Olorunmaiye Esq is a legal practitioner based in Lagos. He is on Twitter as
@joshomaiye. You may contact him via email joshomaiye@gmail.com
Olorunmaiye Esq is a legal practitioner based in Lagos. He is on Twitter as
@joshomaiye. You may contact him via email joshomaiye@gmail.com