Are you a lawyer? Have you met Charles Ajiboye? Charles is the Executive Partner at The Penthouse Law and is currently serving as the Assistant Publicity Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), and in that role, he has been very integral to the successes of the publicity secretariat under the current National Executive.

To mention a few here are a few of what Charles has contributed to the NBA as a member of the NBA Publicity team;

  1. It is on record that the publicity team in which Charles is an integral member has revived the NBA Newsletter.


  1. It is also on record that the NBA publicity team has reorganized how emails are sent to members in compliance with current privacy laws of the country and in compliance with global privacy policies. Now members are free to determine which emails they receive and which emails they do not receive. There is backend data that can monitor open rates, unsubscribing rates, and all sorts to ensure efficiency.


  1. It is also on record that this is the first time in recent history in the NBA that an Assistant Publicity Secretary will be appointed as Alternate -chairman of the Media and Publicity Subcommittee of the Annual General Conference 2024. This is a testament and a proof of the enormous contribution that Charles brought to bear in the 2003 Abuja Annual General Conference.


  1. It is also on record that Charles has saved the Nigerian Bar Association several millions of Naira by his unusual ability to anchor, moderate and compare events. He has done this at scores of events for the Nigerian Bar Association at no cost at all, both at the branch level, at the section level, at NBA committees level, and even at the level of the National Executive Council.

5. It is on record that this current publicity team re-invogorated the social media accounts and Charles who manages the Instagram account got the account to be verified to ensure that the information that are on the NBA Instagram official handle are trusted.

6.Charles also raised the followership of lawyers on that IG account from less than 2,000 when he took over the account to over 7,000  followers now organically without one single financial investment from the NBA.

7. The current Publicity team also raised the Twitter account following from about 20,000 when the administration took over to over 41,000 now without any form of sponsorship, just by creative ideas and engagement.

8. Members can now follow NBA stories and news without any form of distractions through the WhatsApp channel which this Publicity team created.

9. Furthermore, there has now been a set up of an NBA blog and so lawyers are no longer tied to reading news only from NBA bloggers but the NBA now has an official blog which Charles has sufficiently managed under this current publicity team.

In addition to all of this, Charles has been a front line barman, an activist by excellence. He was at the forefront of the enforcement of the court boycott order when the NBA decided to boycott the court in protest to the illegal removal of the Chief Justice of Nigeria. Charles was also a front line barman and was part of those who led the activism that led to the reversal of the infamous land use charge in Lagos State. Charles has been part of several protests and activism against injustice, oppression of people and Nigerian lawyers, especially those that have been brutalized in the past by law enforcement agencies. He has been part of meetings and petition writing, litigation and the defense of the rights of many individuals.

There is no doubt that the Nigerian Bar Association needs Charles Ajiboye’s experience which has been garnered over the years in different roles both within and outside the NBA. As lawyers are gearing to the poll in less than three weeks, all lawyers are enjoined to vote Charles Ajiboye overwhelmingly as the National Publicity Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association. The NBA will be greater for it.

#BetterGlobalPerception #CharlesAjiboye