• That
    “419” is actually a section of the 
    Nigerian Criminal Code that
    indicates the offence of obtaining goods by false pretence and its punishment.

  • That
    it is an offence to dig/construct a borehole without a valid licence from the
    Minister of Natural Resources. So when considering to dig a borehole or go
    fetch water from that 
    Oga’s house, be aware that you both
    could be arrested, courtesy of 
    Sections 9-11 of the Water Resources

  • The
    shortest law in Nigeria is possibly the 
    Financial Year Act. The
    Law simply defines what consists of a Financial Year (January 1- December 31)
    and “datsall”, 

  • The
    Nigerian Constitution 
    expressly encourages inter-ethnic
    Sec. 15 (3)(c) of the 1999 Constitution says ” …it
    shall be the duty of the State to encourage inter-marriage among persons from
    different places of origin, or of different religious, ethnic or linguistic
    association or ties;… This should provoke thoughts on the traditions of some
    states or tribes to only intra marry and never marry “outside”.
  • The
    Nigerian Government’s primary purpose is “provision of security, welfare”. It
    is therefore not a favour granted Nigerians but our rights. So says 
    14(2)(b) of the 1999 Constitution.

  • There
    is a law expressly against use of Army colour green on regular vehicles.
    Whenever we are tempted to swag in 
    camouflage or Army colour
    remember you are contravening Section 1 of
    Army Colour Prohibition of Use Act.

  • That
    all forms of corrupt practices and abuse of power actually ought to be
    abolished by the Government. 
    Sec 15(5) of the 1999 Constitution states
    that this is a political objective of the State.

  • There
    is no existing law or statute providing for the display of pictures of the
    President and Governors on the walls of organizations.

  • Gaming
    machines are illegal in Nigeria. So when you watch those Hollywood movies with
    scenes of jackpot being played, be reminded that you cannot afford such a
    “luxury” in Nigeria. 
    Gaming Machines (Prohibition) Act.

  • That
    it is illegal to not display signboards of companies. 
    Section 548 of
    provides that every company is to have painted and affixed (and
    very legibly too), its name and registration number placed in a very
    conspicuous position for all to see and know who and what you are. However,
    certain omissions (not failures o) probably should be considered. This is given
    the level of insecurity and exorbitant taxes levied against companies of
    certain status and located in certain areas; the ubiquitous presence of the 
    agberos, ever
    willing to squeeze out irrelevant fees solely assessed by them.

  • It
    is illegal to appoint persons predominantly of a particular State, region. 
    14(3) and (4) of the 1999 Constitution 
    state that such appointments
    (Federal or otherwise) should be done to “reflect the federal character of
    Nigeria… to promote national unity… to command national loyalty, thereby
    ensuring that there shall be no predominance of persons from a few States or
    from a few ethnic or other sectional groups in that Government or in any of its
    agencies.” Also, “The composition of the Government of a State, a local
    government council, or any of the agencies of such Government or council, and
    the conduct of the affairs of the Government or council or such agencies shall
    be carried out in such manner as to recognise the diversity of the people
    within its area of authority and the need to promote a sense of belonging and
    loyalty among all the peoples of the Federation”.

By – Ahudiya Ukiwe 
Photo Credit – www.ukfieldvolunteer.org.uk